Fall Winter 2023
Villa d’Orri, Sardinia
“We are Spaniards, Africans, Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs, Pisans,Byzantines, Piedmonts. We are the yellow broom flowers that shower down on rocky paths like large lit lamps. We are the wild solitude, the immense and deep silence, the splendour of the sky, the white flower of the cistus. We are the uninterrupted kingdom of the mastic tree, of waves trickling over ancient granites, by the wild rose, by the wind, by the immensity of the sea. We are an ancient land of long silences, of broad and pure horizons, of gloomy plants, of mountains burned by the sun and by vengeance. We are Sardinians."
Dedicated to Grazia Deledda.

Villa d'Orri, a noble house, home to collections of art, ancient books, and symbols, has seen the passing of all the intellect and political power of the island. Just a step away from the sea, the forest, and the city, it is also the location of the chapel where Saint Efisio, the Patron Saint Martyr of Sardinia, stops during his feast on the first of May. The villa has hosted visiting rulers and sea captains.
The muted, ethereal atmosphere of the villa is further elevated by the silken fabrics adorned with the captivating rosehip floral print. Classic silhouettes provide a graceful and feminine aesthetic. Seemingly disparate fabrics mingle harmoniously through an inexplicable form of alchemy.
Villa d’Orri, Sardinia
Once upon a time, there was Benedetta who, although she had visited the entire known world in pursuit of her immense thirst for knowledge, decided to return to the villa where she was born. It had been a lifetime since she had left the island without regrets. But now, deep in her heart, she felt a strong urge to return and close an unfinished matter.