Crypto Art supports Sardinia

Art Rights

For the first NFT fundraiser, prestigious Italian and international contemporary artists have donated one of their works to show support for the island plagued by fires.

The NFTs will be sold on the Digital Art Rights platform with 100% of the profits donated to the island.

28th July 2021 - Sardinia is burning. Acres of land, crops, business, homes and animals burnt by the flames.

In this Dantesque Inferno, The AB Factory cultural organization with the precious participation of Antonio Marras and italian duo HACKATAO, one of the most famous crypto artists in the world and in partnership with many international artists, have made available their famed works to support the island hit by the violent fires.
Antonio Marras makes his debut in the world of NFT (Non Fungible Token) with a triptych of works and his little lamb “Lussu”, whose name is inspired by writer and politician Emilio Lussi and by the Municipality of Santu Lussurgiu, becoming an icon in this artistic awareness campaign with a “flock” of 500 digital works to paint Sardinia.

“Fire, what to do? To torture ourselves, tear ourselves apart, to break down, cry, and scream in pain? Or is it better to fight, help, collaborate and most of all prevent? - states Antonio Marras - I cry for those who have lost everything, for the burnt creatures, but together we fight to be born again”.

On the digital platform it’s possible to buy a selection of NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) - digital artworks made to be collected, each traceable to a digital certificate that assures their absolute uniqueness - or donate via PayPal and Cryptocurrency.

The entire amount raised will be devolved to the ONLUS “Effetto Palla” from Oristano, dedicated to the animals of the land and to the Municipality of Santu Lussurgiu, one of those who were affected the most by the crisis.
Crypto Art supports Sardinia

Between the many artists who have contributed to the project are Federico Cecchin, Andrea Crespi, Alberto Maria Colombo, Noah D’Alessandro, Emanuele Dascanio, Simon Dee, Andrea Gola, ManuInvisible, Giovanni Motta, Renzo Nucara, Paola Pinna, Pongo 3D, Caterina Quartana, Alessandro Risuleo, WAARP and many more.

The project has been organized on the Digital Art Rights platform, with the support of prestigious partners and professionals that immediately started to work in support of the island including Art Rights,, Artuu Magazine, The Cryptonomist, DeFi Today, The Swiss Blockchain Consortium and Marco Rubino di Musebbi.

“I hope that Art can revive and bring color back where everything is dark now! - says Andrea Concas, CEO and Founder Art Rights – We want in this tragic moment for Art to be present, even the most innovative form of it.”.
Organization: AB FACTORY
is a cultural association open to discussion, encounter, support for art, culture, artists, creativity and experimentation, in search of an art accessible to all. The Cultural Association AB factory has for its mission the cultural, artistic, creative growth, qualification, professional, social and artistic improvement of its members in the fields of art, culture, entertainment, history, literature, tourism, animation, communication and cultural heritage in general; the creation, practice and enhancement of initiatives and services for culture, arts, entertainment, as well as the dissemination and promotion of activities throughout the national territory. The Association promotes and organizes, without any profit-making purpose, artistic, cultural, musical, theatrical, recreational, cinematographic, animation, psychological well-being, and participates in them with its own members, if promoted and organized by other Associations, Public Bodies and Private; promotes and organizes conferences, debates, stages, conferences, competitions and prizes. It promotes and organizes refresher and professional improvement courses, painting, sculpture, prints, graphic arts, photography and animation, art therapy, as well as cinema, writing, music, singing, fashion, acting, dance and more concerning the generality of the arts and expression.

Art Rights is the first platform to support the management and certification of works of art on Blockchain to protect artists, collectors and professionals with the largest Italian Art Tech community.
It supports artists in creating their NFTs with the major platforms and marketplaces by supporting them - thanks to a pool of experts - from a legal and fiscal point of view and in promoting their drops, breaking down the technological barriers to access the market.

Artists who have joined
Michele Ardu, Valérie Biet, Giuseppina Bacci, Federico Cecchin, Andrea Crespi, Alberto Maria Colombo, Noah D'Alessandro, Emanuele Dascanio, Simon Dee, Francesco Giuliani, Andrea Gola, HACKATAO, Antonio Marras, ManuInvisible, Giovanni Motta, Renzo Nucara, Paola Pinna, Pongo 3D, Caterina Quartana, Rebis The Artist, Alessandro Risuleo, RooBè, WAARP.

Acronym for “Non Fungible Token”, they are a type of cryptographic token on Blockchain that represents a unique digital or real asset. What distinguishes NFTs is precisely their non-fungibility, i.e. the non-interchangeability given by a single, non-replicable code.

A digital work in NFT is digitally signed by the artist who created it, which makes it different from the other apparently identical ones in circulation, just as an authentic and signed painting is different from a copy of it.

The NFTs allow you to demonstrate and certify the authenticity and therefore the intellectual property of the work as, regardless of the transfer of ownership, its attribution will always be attributable to the author.

Communication & Press Office
Laura Cometa
+39 3271778443
Crypto Art supports Sardinia